Saturday, 11 January 2014

Brussels sprout chips. So gooood!!

Oh yes. You heard me right. Brussels sprout chips. It may sound crazy but it's actually very delicious. They take a little bit of preparation time but, obviously, are way lower in calories than potato chips. I personally find them to be even more satisfying than potato chips because they have this savory taste that my head connects with "Dinner" - witch is pretty cool.
So, maybe I can encourage you to try them.

For this snack you'll need:
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Olive Oil
  • Salt/Spice/Herbs

Clean the brussels sprouts and cut off the button. This makes it easyer to peel off the top layers of leafs. It got hard to peel the deeper layers so I stopped. I'm gonna use the rest for dinner tomorrow ;)

Mix a tiny bit of olive oil into the leafs and mix well, add the spices you like. I used a tomato-mozzarella spice mix, witch means salt, pepper ad rosemary. Other spices could be curry or cayenne pepper. It's up to you.

Tipp: Seriously: Don't drown them in oil. A little to make the leafs slightly shiny goes a long way.

Without having them touch each other, spread the leafs/chips on a baking sheet. Leafs that stick together will just get soggy and won't crisp up.

Put them in the oven on 100° C (Air Circulation mode) and dry them for about 10 minutes. Remember, you don't want to bake them. They'll burn and become bitter. Using this low temperature will dry them instead of bake them.  After all, they are super thin vegetable leafs, they're not a cake, so they'll be done fairly quick. Check on them every couple of minutes until they're to your liking.

In the end they should look something like this, all crispy and delicious.

Enjoy and let me know if you liked them.

If you're using Weight Watchers: This quick snack has 1 ProPoint.

Enjoy and be sexy,

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